Cereal group products are strategically important products in the world and are the food group that has been cultivated since ancient times. Within the scope of cereals, which has an important place among plant products in terms of nutrition, there are wheat, corn, rice, barley, oats, rye and millets. Production, consumption and trade balances in basic agricultural products in the world have changed significantly.
Especially in recent years, cereal products have started to be used as raw materials in the renewable energy sector and grain products have become a valuable investment tool for commodity markets. The change in consumption habits with population growth, the fact that agriculture has a globally increasing commercial value, as well as the fact that it is a factor affecting the economies of countries in terms of added value and employment; shows the importance of the agricultural sector.
Chart 1: World Grain Exports (Unit: USD – thousand)
Source: ITC Trademap database, http://www.trademap.org
Note: The graphic has been prepared with Gtype Codes 1001,1002, …1008.
The United States of America took first place in world grain exports with a 16% share. Turkey has 0.1% share in the world grain exports in 2019. As of 2019, the top five countries which Turkey exports related products are Iraq, Italy, Iran, Syria and the United Kingdom.
Graphic 2: Exports of Cereals, Pulses
,Oil Seeds and Products in Turkey by Goods Groups (Thousand $)
Source: Exporters’ Associations Records
Cereal products in sub-classification in the Export of Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products in Turkey is in the 9th place with 79,825,000 Dollars in 2019.