Turkey, which takes its place among the emerging economies, has a great agricultural production potential as a result of the combination of its potential young workforce, its rich natural resources and suitable climatic conditions. This current situation makes the agricultural sector a driving force in economic growth and development, and this current situation makes it necessary to integrate with industry.

The food industry, which provides its raw materials from agricultural products, has an important place in our country’s economy. The flour and bakery products sector, which is a sub-branch of the food industry, has an important share in the total food industry both in Turkey and in the world in terms of the number of workplaces, installed capacity, production amount and especially in employment and export values.

The leading manufacturers and exporters of the sector are located in developed countries, and the United States is the country that imports the most in the related sector.

Table 1: World Export of Flour and Bakery Products (Quantity: Tons)

Source: ITC Trademap database, http://www.trademap.org

Note: The table has been prepared with Gtip Codes 1901-02…-05 and 1101-02-03-…-09.

Turkey is the world’s largest exporter in terms of tons and took 8th place in dollar terms.

Table 2: World Flour and Bakery Products Exports (Unit: Thousand US $)

Source: ITC Trademap database, http://www.trademap.org

Note: The table has been prepared with Gtip Codes 1901-02…-05 and 1101-02-03-…-09.

According to Table 2, the total of world flour and bakery products exports in 2015 increased by approximately 14 billion dollars and reached 93 billion dollars in 2019, and the sector grew by 17.5%. The total export of the related sector of our country was dollars in 2019 and grew by 18% and took 8th place. Based on the data in the table, it has been observed that the related sector in the world is gradually increasing every year and it is predicted that it will increase in the coming years. By looking at the ranking in Tables 1 and 2, it is seen that our country is among the leading countries in the export of Flour and Bakery Products sector and it is understood that the potential of the related sector is high.

Table 3: Turkey’s Exports of Flour and Bakery Products by Type (Unit: Thousand US $)

Source: ITC Trademap database, http://www.trademap.org

Note: The table has been prepared with Gtip Codes 1901-02…-05 and 1101-02-03-…-09.

According to the data in Table 3, the Flour and Bakery Products sector constitutes 1.87% of all our exports in 2019. The most exported product groups in the Flour and Bakery Products sector in Turkey are bread, pastry, cake, biscuit and other bakery products (whether they contain cocoa or not) and wheat flour. (Gtype Code: 1905 and 1101). The top five importing countries in the sector are the United States, China, Germany, the United Kingdom and France, respectively. The five countries which our country exports the most in the Flour and Bakery Products sector are Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Angola and Saudi Arabia, respectively.